222. Food Recipes Punjabi Parantha पंजाबी परांठा
Punjabi Parantha
We teach you in Food Recipes. Recipes for making Punjabi Parathas. Maida, wheat flour and curd. Salt and sugar, ghee. Butter for baking. Mix onion paste, chat masala, chili ginger paste, salt as per taste, mix salt, sugar, curd and ghee in flour and wheat flour and knead it with lukewarm water and cover and keep it aside for half an hour. Grind the stuffing ingredients together. Make a dough of flour and roll out the roti. Spread the prepared paste on it, roll it into a circle and roll it back.And bake it by applying butter on the griddle. Punjabi paranthas are ready. Serve them with Raita or Lassi.
Ingredients: 1/2 cup all purpose flour, wheat flour and curd. 1-1 tsp salt and sugar, 1 tbsp ghee. Butter for baking.
Ingredients for stuffing: 2 tsp onion paste, 2 tsp chaat masala, 1 tsp chilli ginger paste, salt as per taste,
Method: Mix salt, sugar, curd and ghee in flour and wheat flour and knead it with lukewarm water and cover and keep it aside for half an hour. Grind the stuffing ingredients together. Make a dough of flour and roll out the roti. Spread the prepared paste on it, roll it into a round shape and bake it after applying butter on the griddle.
Green Onion Parathas, Palak Parantha , Beetroot Paratha, Methi Parantha, Garlic Paratha,
पंजाबी परांठा
Food Recipes में हम आप को सिखाते हैं। पंजाबी परांठे बनाने की Recipes. मैदा, गेहूं का आटा और दही. नमक व शक्कर, घी. सेंकने के लिए बटर. प्याज का पेस्ट,चाट मसाला, मिर्च अदरक का पेस्ट, नमक स्वादानुसार, मैदा व गेहूं के आटे में नमक, शक्कर, दही और घी मिलाकर गुनगुने पानी से गूंथ लें और ढंककर आधे घंटे के लिए एक तरफ रख दें. स्टफिंग की सामग्री को मिलाकर पीस लें. आटे की लोई बनाकर रोटी बेल लें. इस पर तैयार पेस्ट फैलाएं, गोलाई में रोल करके वापस बेल लें और तवे पर बटर लगाकर सेंक लें. पंजाबी परांठा तैयार हैं। उन्हें रायता या लस्सी के साथ परोसें।
सामग्री: आधा-आधा कप मैदा, गेहूं का आटा और दही. १-१ टीस्पून नमक व शक्कर, 1 टेबलस्पून घी. सेंकने के लिए बटर.
स्टफिंग की सामग्री: २ टीस्पून प्याज का पेस्ट, २ टीस्पून चाट मसाला, १ टीस्पून मिर्च अदरक का पेस्ट, नमक स्वादानुसार,
विधिः मैदा व गेहूं के आटे में नमक, शक्कर, दही और घी मिलाकर गुनगुने पानी से गूंथ लें और ढंककर आधे घंटे के लिए एक तरफ रख दें. स्टफिंग की सामग्री को मिलाकर पीस लें. आटे की लोई बनाकर रोटी बेल लें. इस पर तैयार पेस्ट फैलाएं, गोलाई में रोल करके वापस बेल लें और तवे पर बटर लगाकर सेंक लें.

Green Onion Parathas,
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Q; What is paratha called in Punjab?
A; The most popular Punjabi Rotis are Missi Roti and Methi ki Missi Roti. Tandoori Roti is my favourite roti as its healthy and nuetral in taste and goes great with Punjabi Paneer recipes with some awesome ahcar. For another healthy option, Lehsun Methi Roti is made with whole wheat and goes great with Nimbu ka achar.
Q; Are parathas good for health?
A; If made in just the right way, parathas can actually be a healthy dish. Parathas are considered unhealthy because most people stuff them with a lot of unhealthy stuffing and cook them in an ungodly amount of ghee, oil or butter.
Q; How many types of paratha are there?
A; Here are 15 types of paratha, with recipes, that prove they are versatile, easygoing and incomprehensibly delicious! A flatbread made from all-purpose flour or wheat flour, parathas are a staple in Indian households. Parathas can be of many types- plain, stuffed, tandoor, pan-fried and whatnot.
Q; What is Punjabi style?
A; Punjabi cuisine is known for its rich, buttery flavours along with the extensive vegetarian and meat dishes. One of its main features is its diverse range of dishes.
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