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221.Food Recipes. Red Passion रेड पैशन

Red Passion

We teach you in Food Recipes. Red Passion Recipes Strawberry fruit is a beautiful and healthy fruit. Its juicy sour-sweet taste is very much liked by the people. Also, its fragrance also makes it different from other fruits. For this we need basic ice cream, strawberry, raspberry red color. Break the basic ice cream into pieces and beat it well. Then mix strawberry and raspberry red in it and beat it well. Keep it in the freezer to set. Garnish with gems and choco chips while serving.

Ingredients: 1 plain basic ice cream, half tsp strawberry, 1/4 tsp raspberry red color.

Method: Cut the basic ice cream into pieces and beat it well. Then mix strawberry and raspberry red in it and beat it well for 15 minutes. Keep it in the freezer to set. Garnish with gems and choco chips while serving.

रेड पैशन

Food Recipes में हम आप को सिखाते हैं। रेड पैशन बनाने की Recipes स्ट्रॉबेरी फल एक खूबसूरत और सेहतमंद फल है। इसका रसदार खट्टा-मीठा स्वाद लोगों को बेहद भाता है। साथ ही इसकी खुशबू भी इसे दूसरे फलों से अलग बनाती है। इसके लिए हमे चाहिए बेसिक आइस्क्रीम, स्ट्रॉबेरी,रसबेरी रेड कलर. बेसिक आइस्क्रीम के टुकड़े करके अच्छी तरह फेंटें. फिर इसमें स्ट्रॉबेरी और रसबेरी रेड मिलाकरअच्छी तरह से फेंटें. फ्रीज़र में जमने के लिए रख दें. सर्व करते समय जेम्स और चोको चिप्स से सजाकर सर्व करें.  

१ प्लेन बेसिक आइस्क्रीम, आधा टीस्पून स्ट्रॉबेरी, १/४ टीस्पून रसबेरी रेड कलर. 

विधिः बेसिक आइस्क्रीम के टुकड़े करके अच्छी तरह फेंटें. फिर इसमें स्ट्रॉबेरी और रसबेरी रेड मिलाकर १५ मिनट तक अच्छी तरह से फेंटें. फ्रीज़र में जमने के लिए रख दें. सर्व करते समय जेम्स, Red शरबत और चोको चिप्स से सजाकर सर्व करें.

                         Chiku Ice Cream

Q; What is strawberry called?
A; It would not be wrong to call strawberry fruit as the most attractive fruit with almost heart-like texture. This bright red looking fruit is as tasty as it is healthy. Its juicy sour-sweet taste is very much liked by the people. Also its fragrance makes it different from other fruits.(google)

 Q; What is the use of Strawberry Crush?
A; Strawberry Crush, Strawberry Syrup Uses in Kitchen
Chilled water and ice cubes when added to strawberry syrup and orange juice with a splash of mint make an extremely refreshing drink. Milkshakes, ice slush, kulfi, ice tea and cold soft drinks taste great with strawberry syrup.

Q; When to eat ice cream? 
A; Although you can eat ice cream throughout the year, but if you eat ice cream in mild summer and mild winter, then it will not harm you. Keep in mind, never eat ice cream in hot sun and heat. This may cause you trouble. You can eat ice cream during the coming and going of any season.

Q; Which vitamin is in ice cream?
A; Vitamin A, B-2 and B-12 are found in ice cream. Vitamin A enhances the capacity of your skin, bones and immunity system. Apart from this, eyesight also improves. Vitamin B-2 and B-12 keep metabolism balanced and B-12 helps in weight loss.

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