144.Food Recipes Coconut Buttermilk नारियल छाछ
नारियल छाछ

सामग्रीः १ नारियल कद्दूकस किया हुआ, ३-४ कली लहसुन बारीक कटा हुआ, २ हरी मिर्च बारीक कटी हुई और नमक स्वादानुसार.
विधिः कद्दूकस किये हुए नारियल को मिक्सर में पीस लें. छानकर इसका दूध निकाल लें. नारियल के दूध में कटा लहसुन, हरी मिर्च और नमक डालें. थोड़ी देर फ्रिज में रखकर ठंडा सर्व करें.
coconut buttermilk
We teach you in Food Recipes. Coconut Buttermilk Recipes. Get ready for some new recipes that are perfect for summer! Drinking buttermilk in summer does not cause stomach problems. The digestive system remains healthy. The amount of water in buttermilk is high, due to which there is no shortage of water in the body and you are saved from dehydration. By thinning the already grated coconut in a mixer, you get a close substitute for buttermilk that is thick and creamy. Coconut is easily available all over India. So in this summer everyone should enjoy coconut buttermilk and get relief from the heat.
Ingredients: 1 coconut grated, 3-4 cloves garlic finely chopped, 2 green chilies finely chopped and salt as per taste.
Method: Grind grated coconut in a mixer. Sieve it and take out its milk. Add chopped garlic, green chilies and salt to the coconut milk. Keep it in the fridge for a while and serve cold.
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